Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mission Accomplished

Being a homeowner has its own rewards. Sometimes they come in big packages with ribbons and champagne and other times in small almost unnoticeable everyday deliveries. Big rewards come from the big challenges; those that make you truly appreciate why you took the plunge and bought a house in the first place. The bigger the project or repair you have completed, the better the reward. These rewards are the type you show off to friends and family, like the redecorated bedroom, or the remodeled kitchen, or the new workroom in the garage.
But it is the small rewards that really add up for me, those everyday chores are the real joys of home ownership. I know it may seem silly, but it is true. Weeding the garden, or mowing the lawn, vacuuming the carpet or folding all the laundry. Knowing these things are done, even though they will need to be done again and again, gives me the sense that I am succeeding.
Every week I face challenges, things I need to get done, a list of chores. It may seem mundane to some. But once these things are done I can see the difference. The tracks the vacuum cleaner leaves on the carpet once the dog hair and dust are all gone. The flowers that bloom and flourish when there are no longer weeds to compete with them. The empty laundry baskets waiting silently for the next load. No matter what major projects need to be or have already been accomplished it helps to look around and see that progress has been made in small ways.
Today I accomplished a large project in my house, and my reward was a cool, quiet, nighttime walk with Sonya. Sonya's job is to take me for a walk; she waits eagerly for this time every day. This weekend with the heat and other chores, Sonya got some time off. So tonight with my big project completed and with the coolness the dark cover brought we set out. Funny thing is, as I strolled along with her, I could not help but think that I still had things to do at home. As soon as we returned I proceeded upstairs where I folded all the clean laundry. Only then could I sit and rest, only then could I relax. For this small accomplishment I do not need to reward myself. Crossing this chore off my list for this week is its own reward.