Thursday, January 26, 2006

A Little Bit About Sonya

My name is Denise and Sonya is my dog, my companion and my friend. She and I live together in a small house in New England and we go walking almost every day. At least every day that the weather and our schedules permit it. Sonya's schedule is not too complicated. She wakes up and goes out into her yard in the morning, then sleeps until lunch, when she goes out into the yard to chase the squirrels. Then it is another nap until I come home from work. Then we go for our walk, come home have dinner, have playtime, have treat time, relax in front of the tv and finally go to bed. Weekends she gets to spend more time in the yard, or playing in the house, and our walks tend to last for more than the hour we take on weekdays. And of course there is plenty of time napping. Its hard to beat a dog's life.
Sonya is a mutt, her large ears and huge fluffy tail are two of my favorite features. She is white with reddish-brown spots and big brown eyes. The great thing about telling people she is a mutt is that they will always come up with a breed that could be part of her. I can often tell what breeds people are partial to when they tell me what mix they think she could be. She probably does have some collie, spaniel and maybe golden retriever according to the vet. In truth she is more likely second generation mutt. And to me it doesn't matter. I wasn't looking for a specific breed when I found her. I just wanted a medium-sized, friendly, playful dog who would go walking with me every day. And she is just that.

1 comment:

pollyalida said...

Very cute doggie.