The other day the library I work at received a donation of books for watercolor painting techniques. All were slim volumes with lots of pictures and paintings, enough to inspire someone to fill a gallery. I’m not sure if the previous owner moved onto another art form or gave up on watercolors altogether. Either way I’m sure someone else will snatch them up. I’ve always been drawn to watercolors. I love the blur and dreaminess that oils and acrylics just don’t have. But I’ve never attempted to paint with them. For that matter painting is not my outlet of expression.
Over the years I have tried various outlets for my creativity. I’m sure you have too. Everyone needs an outlet to express their creativity, and as you grow and become the person you are the method must grow too. How many teenagers write poetry? How many second graders dabble in pasta, glue and glitter? Some of us find what others consider mainstream art, be it writing, drawing, refinishing furniture, sculpting or music. But how many consider all the many ways we truly express ourselves.
Start in the morning with the color you choose to wear; does it put a smile on your face? How about the car you drive? Is it speedy, sporty, or simply functional? Each of these things says something about you and allows you to express a part of yourself. Simple choices we take for granted come from the very heart of us.
My favorite color, especially in electronics, is red. At least right now it is. There was a time when almost my whole wardrobe was blue. Another, when everything I decorated with was in the yellow family.
Your friends also allow you to express yourself. I have recently surrounded myself with people who make me laugh, and I love it. Laughter is the best expression of all! But there are times when I need more serious folk to sit and meditate or pontificate with. All of that brings out more and more of my own true self.
In my house I have a craft and sewing room full of stuff. Over the years my creativity has found outlets in fabric and floss, in colored pencils and in furniture refinishing. My current outlet is photography, at least until this year ends and my Photo-A-Day project is complete.
Sonya, like all dogs, doesn’t need any outlet to express herself. Her moods are simple: she can wag her tail, move her ears forward or back, jump up, bark, and even dance. Oh wait, I guess that makes her an artist too.
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