Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Where Does the Little Red Truck Go?

Every night as we walk the sidewalks of our neighborhood, no matter which way we go, we tend to encounter the same things. People with routines are, after all, predictable. Sonya and I are no exception. She knows without a doubt that as soon as I get home I will change my clothes and gather my supplies (dog treats, plastic bags, and leash) and we will be on our way. It is, I think I have mentioned before, her most favorite time of the day. It even beats out suppertime. Well, it comes before suppertime, so I guess that makes sense. There really isn't anything wrong with routines, especially if they make you happy, and this part of our routine makes both of us happy.
We are not the only creatures of habit in our neighborhood. One of our favorites came upon us by surprise actually. The first few times anyway. It seems one of my neighbors drive a little red pickup truck and he passes by us almost every night. The reason this came as a surprise was the unusual noise that the engine makes. Since it is a small truck and he zips and zooms around in it, it makes a strange, funny noise. The noise is what startled me the first few times he passed us, but now it is part of the routine, and I almost don't notice it anymore. The noise is still funny, just no longer strange.
Our walk is a routine part of our day, but I like to vary the routine when I can so it doesn't get too boring. Since Sonya picks the direction we start out in, we never walk the same path two nights in a row. It is this little bit of variety that keeps things interesting. It also means that we never see the little red truck in the same place. Last week we saw the truck slow down and turn into a driveway. And just like that the answer came to us. Now we know where the little red truck goes.

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